Last am Dublin

Gorgeous last morning in Dublin…..eating at a French bistro…

Categorized as dublin

Day #3 Dublin

Today we got up and felt like eating a French breakfast. So we headed to a “crêpes” spot. Had a great latté and crêpes. Then hopped on the bus to get to the Dublin prison for free with our National Trust card we bought online via a Canadian website. This card is turning out to be… Continue reading Day #3 Dublin

Categorized as dublin

Day #2 Dublin

Après avoir fait le tour de la ville durant 1h30 sur le bus touristique, nous avons marché un peu sous la pluie pour ensuite se rendre au little museum. Vraiment intéressant comme petit musée et gratuit à cause de nos passes de bus. Un petit tour “guidé” des 2 pièces fort informatif. Le guide très… Continue reading Day #2 Dublin

Categorized as dublin